Kamis, 05 Agustus 2021

Joseph Simmons The Good Life pdf

The Good Life

par Joseph Simmons
The Good Life

Joseph Simmons The Good Life pdf - Le grand livre écrit par Joseph Simmons vous devriez lire est The Good Life. Je suis sûr que vous allez adorer le sujet à l'intérieur de The Good Life. Vous aurez assez de temps pour lire toutes les pages 169 dans votre temps libre. Le fabricant qui a sorti ce beau livre est Joseph Simmons. Obtenez le The Good Life maintenant, vous ne serez pas déçu par le contenu. Vous pouvez télécharger The Good Life à votre ordinateur avec des étapes modestes.

All they wanted was his money.

Nobody paid much attention to Brian. When they did, it was to step on him, to put their problems on him. People liked to watch him suffer so they could feel better. The man had lived his whole life this way.

The phone started ringing when he won the lottery. He'd hit it big. Small town nobody won millions. He took the payout, more money than he could ever spend.

Everyone who had ever bullied him, cheated him, badmouthed him, they all called him asking for money. All of a sudden his phone was ringing off the hook with friends he never knew he had. But nice guy Brian wouldn't just tell them where to go. No, he started a list.

In a cheap red notebook, he began a list of the callers, of the people who stopped him in the street. There was no way in hell he was going to give them a dime, but maybe he could give them something. A vacation.

The Good Life begins with a guy too nice for his own good. A man who should take his money and run. What he decides to do is give the people on his list a plane ride to paradise.

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The Good Life

Short story, 9,000+ words

Nom de fichier : the-good-life.pdf

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